Greatest Christmas Organization Idea!

Being in a big family during “Christmas Gift Opening Time” means being buried up to your eyeballs in gift wrap, bags, tissue paper and bows! It also means having to sort through and pass out all of those presents, which can be a daunting task, even in the smallest group of gift givers.

One year, to maintain some sort of control and organization with the gift giving frenzy, my Aunt Penny did, what I still think is the greatest idea ever!

She made a Christmas Gift Train! She constructed the entire train out of cardboard boxes and decorated each car with colorful paper (I’m thinking she used gift wrap). Each car was designated with name tag for each person. So as guests walked in the door, loaded down with presents ready for exchange, she directed them to the Gift Train. They then were instructed to sort and place their gifts into the car (box) corresponding to the receiver.

Once it was finally time to open our presents, all we had to do was go find our name on a car (box), pick up our designated train car box that was now filled to the top with our own presents, fight to find a space on the floor or in a corner and start opening!

It was so easy! Plus, as a bonus, after all gifts were opened and trash picked up, you had a box to haul all your new goodies back home!

Seriously! Is that not the best idea ever!?!?

Do you have any amazing gift opening tips and tricks? If so, please share your great ideas in the comment section below!

By | 2018-07-07T17:51:29+00:00 July 3rd, 2018|Activities, Christmas, Crafts & DIY|